I Hate Summer

Randye S Spina, MBA
3 min readMay 2, 2024

And, it turns out, I’m not alone

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Given my choice, I’d live in a temperate climate where summer temperatures never rose above 70 degrees. I often joke around with a friend who lives in Australia that we should trade houses for six months every year so that she can have year-round warm weather and I can enjoy year-round cool weather.

A native New Yorker, I’ve also lived in Texas and California. Let me tell you, those two places cured me of the heat. Neither one had a proper winter and I went years without seeing snow. One year in California, it was 87 on Christmas Day and in Texas, it would ice a couple of times each winter, but it never snowed.

That made me sad.

Then I was relocated to Connecticut and lived close to the water, where the humidity choked me for months on end. In late 2022 I moved to Philadelphia, where I was hoping it would be less humid in the summer, but alas, it is not.

Finally, this January we had a real snowstorm here.

That made me happy.

As I write this, it’s early May. Summer is still five weeks away, and I’m already dreading it. On a whim, I decided to search the term “I hate summer” never expecting to learn that I’m not nearly on the fringe as I’d thought.



Randye S Spina, MBA

Non-fiction author, marketer, agency owner, award-winning professor, nonprofit board member. Hopelessly interested in everything https://linktr.ee/randyesspina